wow, things have been busy.

Published on 4 July 2023 at 16:55

Well it's been a really busy time, getting the decorating done and finished, had a couple of meetings to go to as well as the second appointment in Sheffield for the FES machine, along with doing some bits to try and get back in to work. It has all taken its toll a bit, I've been struggling a lot with fatigue due to over working myself. The other night I actually was so exhausted that when I sat on the bed I dropped off and didn't realise until the following morning that I'd slept, even to the point Lisa had hoovered our room, got me ready for bed all without me knowing. The MS has been causing me a few issues of late, that hasn't been helped by me refusing to listen to my body when its needed a rest, the pains I've been getting in my legs and back have been absolutely awful, as I said the fatigue has been giving me a real kicking. I am fighting through as best I can because I am determined to not give in.

Well thought I'd drop a little update, I will be back on A LOT more now as my old laptop had died and that has now been replaced.

Speak soon


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